В моем классе мы изучаем игру во всех стилях как на аккустической, так и электрогитаре и уже через пару занятий ученики могут сыграть свои любимые песни. Рок, джаз, поп, фанк, блюз – все что вы любите
Почему у нас? Мы учим игре на гитаре уже более 10 лет по авторским методикам Антона Исаева
Что изучаем
Знания и навыки систематезируются по сериям уроков в разных дисциплинах
Новичок Учим аккоды
Становление исполнителя Подбираем репертуар
Сольфеджио Слышать и понимать ритм, знать нотную грамоту - все это необходимо для каждого музыканта
Антон Исаев
Основатель Школы гитары, преподаватель со стажем более 15 лет
What exactly are you studying
It is the intended result of the complete process of presentation of textual material in order to communicate meaning.
Acoustic Guitar Anatomy
Acoustic Guitars come with steel strings, not to be confused with Classical Guitars which have nylon strings and wider necks. Both Guitars are played the same way, though they do have differences in tone between them. There are broadly 2 kinds of Acoustic Guitars, the Acoustic and Acoustic-Electric(or Semi-Acoustic). The Acoustic-Electric is played cabled to an Acoustic Guitar Amplifier and it will typically have equalizer controls(pre-amps) to adjust the tone of the sound from the amplifier.
The Circle of Fifths
The Circle of Fifths is a quick and widely used Reference for identifying the Key of a Music Piece. As it's name implies, the Circle moves in Fifths(every 5th Scale Degree) beginning at the top, clockwise with the Key of C, to G, then D, and onwards. Key Signatures are determined by the Number of Accidentals(Sharps, #, or Flats, b,) Signs indicated on the Staff space between the Treble Clef and Time Signature at the start of a Music Score.
Your ideas are really important
Don't allow lack of knowledge to kill them. Book your first lesson or simply to find out more about my guitar lessons don't hesitate get in touch via the contact form below.